1. You are not afraid to make mistakes.

Mistakes are inevitable. But I don’t even like the word ‘mistake.’ I like the term ‘learning opportunity‘ much better because it implies that no life experience is ever wasted. Every single, solitary thing that happens to us can be viewed as a way to improve ourselves – or at the very least, a chance to figure out what we do want as a result of having what we don’t want.

2. You follow your intuition.

When you make a decision, you pay attention to the feeling in your stomach. Does it feel good? Great. Then go do it. But if you suddenly feel like you are being suffocated or that you want to vomit, then that is your intuition telling you that it’s wrong. When you lead a life that is true to yourself, you pay attention to those feelings on a regular basis.

3. You don’t care what other people think.

When you are a ‘people pleaser,’ you can never make yourself happy. Now, I’m not suggesting that we stop making other people happy. We should absolutely do that. However, when you are living a life that is true to yourself, you put yourself as a priority. Not in a selfish way, but in a way that honors your self-love. When you do that, what other people think about your life doesn’t matter anymore.

4. You follow your passion.

People who dread going to work on Mondays are not living a life that is true to themselves. Of course, we all need to make a living, but it is possible to turn your passion into your life’s work. Many people have done it. It may not always be easy, but it can be done. And when you’re true to yourself, you try to find a way to make that happen.

5. You don’t waste time.

People who are living in alignment with their true selves don’t waste time doing things that aren’t productive or enjoyable. If you find yourself indulging too often in things like television or social media, maybe you’re not living a life true to yourself. However, if that is what you truly enjoy doing, then go head and keep doing it.

6. You always dream big.

You don’t settle. You know that there are big things out there for you and you go after them. You don’t sit on the sidelines of life. You know that you have a purpose on this earth and you continually seek to fulfill it.

7. You know that little things matter.

Sure, making millions of dollars a year sounds awesome. But money, fame, and power are not the only things that matter. In fact, the ‘little things’ like spending more time with your friends and family are what really matters the most – not only today, but at the end of your life.

8. You know what you want in life.

You have goals. You have a plan. You take steps every day to make those things happen. You don’t just sit around and wait for life to happen to you. Instead, you make life happen.

9. You are not afraid to make decisions.

Decisions can be scary, but without them, you can’t really get anywhere in life. Instead, you become stagnant, and there is no growth or truth in being stagnant. In order to move forward in life, we need to continually make good decisions – sometimes even tough ones. But you don’t shy away from doing that.

10. You don’t remember the last time you got bored.

You love life! You think life is good! You think life is fun! You think there is always something to do – always something to accomplish. You don’t lay around complaining that there is nothing to do because you know that there is always something you can do to keep moving forward in life. Being true to yourself is vital to happiness. If we deny who we are, then we become suffocated by life, and that’s no way to live. So break the chains that are holding you back and make sure you always keep these 10 things in mind.