They forget that the key to becoming what they want to be, and to achieving the satisfaction they desire, is from what they already possess inside themselves. They are anxious for the things they have not achieved or gained- rather than building on what they currently have. Channeling your energy into the present can place your life on track and push away all the negative thoughts and fears surrounding you. You may feel that certain things are holding you back, but you only have to check out these signs to know if you are on track to becoming the success you want to be:

1. You are not envious of others

You are content with your position in life and so you are not consumed with envy. Rather than compare yourself with others, you are interested in seeing them make their goals happen too. In fact you are willing to lend a hand in helping them to achieve what they want to achieve. You can find the good in others and see them as fellow game-changers, and this rubs off on you positively.

2. You get a good night’s sleep

You sleep well. You are not addicted to painkillers and sleeping pills. You know that you have plenty of reasons to be at peace with yourself. You are not consumed in fear and worries; even when things are challenging, you know everything will work out for the best.

3. You are guilt-free

You can accept forgiveness and apologize to those you have wronged. You also know that you don’t have any reason to hold grudges. You are focused on mending fences rather than building obstacles that prevent you from having functional relationships. Thus, you are guilt-free and don’t feel the need to become obsessive about potential problems when people don’t behave as well as they could towards you.

4. You value yourself

You know that you matter. Because your self-esteem is in check, you worry less about what others think about you. You know that you are essential to the success of your environment, relationships and career. You are not looking for validation elsewhere: you already have found it within yourself.

5. You believe that the future will take care of itself

You know the future will handle itself, so you know you don’t have to become obsessive about controlling every potential outcome. You are not nervous or anxious about it. Whatever is happening to you now is simply a stepping stone to get you to where you should be. Rather than being consumed in fear about uncertain situations, you focus on the certainty of possibilities arising now and into the future.

6. You engage in personal growth

Every day you work hard to become a better version of yourself. You are not stuck where you were yesterday. You want to improve and you are eager for change. You live for it and consistently put some effort into making that change happen.

7. You can say “no”

You don’t say “yes” to everything that comes your way. You are selective about how you use your energy and time. You don’t engage in everything that that you are offered because you know this can be wasteful. Rather, you focus on the targets that will make you a more accomplished and satisfied person.

8. You can take charge

You are confident in your abilities. You understand the importance of challenging events as phases of transition and change. You do not get consumed by these external factors, so you are able to focus on the importance of being the person that ultimately accepts responsibility for your own life.

9. You are driven by the goal of adding value

You want to attain things, but it isn’t just specific results that drive you. Rather, you are concerned with what you can give to make certain outcomes happen. Instead of complaining about what you are receiving, you are fully engaged in what you are giving out to others and the environment around you.

10. You are living- not just waiting

You are not just waiting for things to happen to you. You are living and taking every day one step at a time. In doing so, without desperately searching, you are discovering- and gradually reaching- your destination. Such an awakening allows you to enjoy the present moment, instead of fussing over the places you have not yet reached. Featured photo credit: via