However, sticking to a financial plan isn’t as easy as it may seem. Many of us quit our budget plans the moment we mess up our finances. We give up after a month or two of recording and track expenditures. Is there an easy way to track your budget and finances? Here are ten simple points to remember:

1. Think Strategically

What is the whole point of making a budget? When making your budget, always remember that it’s there to help keep you out of debt. The goal of your budget is to create a better  future that will give you more financial freedom.

2. Set Financial Goals

Is there a project you want to save for this year? What financial goals can you set to make this project happen? When creating goals, make sure you’ve both set up short and long term plans. There are a lot of money management apps out there that can help you allocate your money easily.

3. Prepare for Emergencies

Always have an emergency fund. When things aren’t going well, an emergency fund can save you from debt and stress. Prepare in case of medical emergencies, layoffs, or divorce. Proper preparation assures that you have money for what’s important to you.

4. Limit Budget

When you are too comfortable with your budget, you find it easier to slip into overspending. Try to limit everything to a fair calculation. Don’t give yourself a lot of money to spend for things you don’t even need.

5. Set Boundaries

Lending money to friends and family members are sometimes the cause of money shortage. So before you decide to lend money, make sure you have your own finances in order first. There is always a possibility that your money won’t be given back by a friend or family member.

6. Take Away Options That Make You Cheat Your Budget

Stop carrying credit cards if you are prone to buy impulsively. Instead, carry cash all the time. Quit browsing on your favorite online shops if you are out of money. You can block the site if you find yourself compulsively checking it out. On this same note, you can also create visual reminders that will help you remember your goals. For example, you can display a note to remind yourself to stay on budget.

7. Find Like–Minded Groups

Find a friend, support group, or online friends who are determined to keep their finances planned just like you. Having a finance buddy could help you to stick with your goals and stay accountable. You and your penny-wise buddy can even exchange spreadsheets (within reason) and evaluate spending.

8. Build A Reward System

Don’t forget to give yourself rewards for a job well done! Staying faithful to your financial plan for a month is a big deal, that’s why you should give yourself a pat on the back. Find an inexpensive activity or item that will fit as a pleasurable reward for you.

9. Track Your Spending

Track where your money goes. This technique will help you stay accountable and on budget. There are many apps that can help you manage your expenses like Money Manager, Mint, and Good Budget.

10. Schedule A Periodic Budget Evaluation

Don’t forget to evaluate. Monitor how you are doing with your finances. What are the factors that prevent you from staying on budget? What categories can you tweak to create a better and more accountable financial plan? Set aside a specific time or the day or week to make sure you’re not overspending.


Knowing a lot about finances and money management can help you create a debt free future. So invest in yourself but avoid instant gratification. Spend your time getting tips and advice from financially-savvy people. You can even hire an accountability expert or a financial advisor if you find it hard to do on your own. Ultimately in finance, the more you know about money, the better you’ll be at managing it.