Best of all — they’re FREE! Many are available online or for download at: Free audio books are available at Enjoy!
1. Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich
As Wallace Wattles says himself in the introduction: He applies the same refreshing, straightforward approach to the other two books in his trilogy, The Science of Being Well and The Science of Being Great.
2. James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
Mr. Allen reminds us in a beautiful and inspiring way that we have the power to change our lives.
3. William James, The Varieties of Religious Experience
Visually, these life-changing lectures make for dense reading, but they sound absolutely gorgeous. If you can, read them as audio books.
4. Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Simultaneously uplifting and challenging!
5. Henry David Thoreau, Walden & Civil Disobedience
Thoreau didn’t have much use for “business as usual”.
6. Frédéric Bastiat, Essays on Political Economy
These essays can be summed up in one word: Feisty! … There are nine hundred and ninety-nine patrons of virtue to one virtuous man.
7. Herman Hesse, Siddhartha
Still one of the most beautiful, uplifting books ever written.
8. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
The definitive text on mercantilism, and the first book to ever explore wealth instead of poverty.
9. Sun Tzu, The Art of War
This book of mind-bending, koan-like sayings is as much about winning at life as about winning at war.
10. Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Heartachingly beautiful and inspiring.
11. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Get off your butt and go succeed! Featured photo credit: Forge Yourself / Celestine Chua via