1. You see him as your best confidant.

Your brother was the first person to know about your little secret. You would make him cross-upon-your-heart before letting out that top-secret of yours, but deep down you knew he would not spill it out. The secret might have been a small-bore, but he would pretend it was of great matter. And after all these years, he is still your first person to whom you will run to with a secret.

2. You have a brother who’s your best buddy.

He is your first best friend. No one will doubt that, given that the ample of times you guys have spent together as children. His friends are your friends too, and vice versa. You still prefer to get drunk in his company than you would with your friends. And you would still sit in the dark and watch horror movies with him, knowing that he would laugh at your face while you scream away, and would constantly tease you later. You thoroughly enjoy it as much as you hate it.

3. You may be his best buddy, but he knows your limits too.

This is the case when you have an elder brother. He may know all (okay, nearly all) your secrets, and know you smoke and have a crush on one of his friends, still he would be the one to correct your mistakes and make sure you know your limits too. Scolding is another option mostly preferred by the brothers to keep you in control!

4. You ask him for knowledge.

Brothers are the best teachers you can ever ask for! Whether you want to know about the meaning of life, or those subjects you constantly fail to comprehend at school, or the secret behind WWE, it is always your brother who would answer your every question. You love the way he patiently explains it to you, despite your constant I-still-don’t-understands.

5. You know he knows you inside out, and outside in.

You can not hide anything from your brother. Anything. Even if you are upset and you have been crying away secretly, your brother will still know it. Maybe because you guys have been growing up and literally facing the same kinds of situations together. You also know that even after all these years he still understands you like no other person more than him.

6. You can start a conversation right where you have left it.

This is an amazing part of having a cool brother. He doesn’t mind whether you have abruptly hung up the phone, or you have left the room in the middle of a conversation. Because, at the end of the day, you can easily start off right where you have left it. It does not matter where you are residing. It does not matter how long you have not met each other. It also does not matter if you talk or Skype once in a blue moon.

7. You guys are the perfect partners-in-crime.

My brother was always the Batman whereas I was his Robin. We would cook up crimes and pretend to rescue each other. Another time, he would become a world famous detective, and I, his loyal assistant. And if anyone tried to bully me, my brother would come to save me. He would still do this for me, despite living oceans apart and growing up into full bloom adults!

8. You know that your biggest supporter is your brother!

It does not matter whether you are a star soccer player in your school, or a geek who nails science projects every single time, or a person with no talent at all, you brother will always be your biggest supporter! He will cheer for you, and will look through all your faults. He will make you believe in yourself; one of the best parts of having a cool bro!

9. You have a permanent bank in him.

Need money? But you don’t want to go through all the process of “verbally” filling up the form (your dad or mom WILL ASK you anyway)? That is where the elder-brother-the-bank comes in. He is just like an ATM machine. Ask for it, and you get it. Unless of course you ask for a bigger dough, he wouldn’t usually question back. Despite earning my own money, I still ask for greens from my brother. I guess I am used to it.

10. You can talk shit with him.

Here’s a little open secret: my brother and I carry out most of our conversations while pooping. We believe it has a special privacy in it. No one gets to hear you, and it’s more like our comfort zone during secret sharing. And if you are having problems with your bathroom he’s the perfect man to talk about it!

11. You have an adviser, dear.

Now talking about seeking help you have the best adviser right inside your house. It is not necessary what range of topics you need advise on, he will readily aid you. You need advise in dating? You need advise regarding fashion? Or, maybe what subjects to choose in your high school? You are confused about your career? You are frustrated with your life? Well, your brother is there my dear, and his advises are totally free of cost!

12. You are happy he bonds with your partner.

This is especially to the girls out there who have elder brothers. While I was dating my then boyfriend (who is my hubby now), the only person I wanted him to bond with was my brother. And oh man was I relieved when both the men started hanging out like buddies! I guess you have that similar butterflies in your stomachs while introducing your partner to your brother, and hope against all the hopes that they bond utimately.

13. Your brother is always in your team.

Sports or not, your brother will always be in your league. He will stand for you, he will always put you first in front of your family or friends, and even he will prefer to have you in his sports team. He will make sure you are at ease regardless of whatever situation you are facing.

14. You have a spoiler alert!

Whether your brother is older than you or younger, he will always spoil you in his own way. Your younger brother will nearly tend to all your needs. He will grumble, but he will complete the task. It’s actually cute when he goes out in the rain to bring you KFC that you suddenly craved for. And it is similar with the elder brothers too. Isn’t it best to have cool brothers in the world?

15. You get a comic relief during tough times.

Your brother is ALWAYS there to bring back your smile. My brother was cracking jokes on my wedding day, before I was leaving for my husband’s house. The reason? So that I don’t cry and spoil my make-up! Only cool bros will come up with something as bizarre as being the comic relief in your life when you least expect it! Personally I believe that having the coolest brother in the world is an amazing blessing. No one can take over your brother’s place. He is someone who loves you unconditionally. And like all other proud siblings, I would say, I love you too my brother! Featured photo credit: ordianry miracles & the crazy 9 via flickr.com