1. When he writes you letters or notes

It doesn’t matter if you see him every day or live under the same roof – a written confirmation of his feelings gives you something tangible to read over and over again when you’re feeling low, have had a hard day, when he’s on a business trip, or just when you want to get the warm fuzzies. Taking the time to put his love into words lets you know he cares.

2. When he makes you things

While a shiny pair of earrings or a new Coach purse can send you spinning, it makes you glow from the inside out when he makes you something with his own two hands. It can be as simple as a birthday card made with construction paper and crayons, or a plate of your favorite childhood treat that he had your mom teach him to make; or maybe he put together a book of his favorites photos of you two, or painted a scene from your fist date or honeymoon. It doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect to touch your heart.

3. When he hugs you

A kiss when you wake up, an arm around your shoulder while you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, and hand holding during the movies are certainly welcome gestures of affection. But when he takes the time to give you a long, warm bear hug – the snuggle-your-nose-into-his-shoulder, close-your-eyes kind of hug – you sink into it, and for a few moments, the rest of the world doesn’t matter.

4. When he lets you talk

While it may be cliche, doesn’t it mean the world to know that you can tell him anything and he’ll listen without judgement and without interruption? Even if he disagrees with how you handled a tough situation at work or a conversation with your sister, you love that he lets you express the whole story and your feelings about it before offering advice or talking you through the problem.

5. When he invites you along

There’s something to be said for bro time, and while your man certainly deserve time with just the guys, you love when he invites you – even when you don’t end up tagging along. It could be that the guys are going to the movie you’ve been dying to see, or the bar you’ve been wanting to hit, or even just having a video game session – when he includes you in his plans with his friends, you not only get to spend time together, but get to know the guys he’s chosen to be friends with – it’s a win/win!

6. When he lets you have the last bite

Sharing food can increase feelings of closeness and intimacy and decrease any chance of selfishness in your relationship. We all want the last bag fry, and when he hands you the bag and tells you to enjoy, it makes you feel like his number one priority. When you opt for a light salad but he lets you have as many “little” bites of his cheesy, bacon mac ‘n’ cheese as you want, or, more importantly, when you share dessert, and he lets you eat the majority of that piece of tiramisu or cheesecake, your heart fills up with joy and contentment that go beyond a happy stomach.

7. When he opens your doors

They say chivalry is dead, but he makes sure it lives on! Before getting in the car, he opens your door AND closes it after all your fingers and toes are safely inside; when it’s raining, snowing, cold, or you’re rocking those 4″ heels, her drops you at the door of your destination and meets you inside once he’s parked; and when you’re taking a walk, he lets you have the inside track while he walks closest to the road. His genteel ways never get old.

8. When he remembers the past moments of being with you

Living in the present and reveling in each day with your best guy is a good habit to get into – but you love when he starts off with “remember the time…” and you both laugh about last Thanksgiving when the turkey caught on fire, when you shared your first kiss, or just that perfect day at the lake. It lets you know he treasures the time you’ve had together so far, and reminds you both to cherish today, which will be another memory in the future.

9. When he catches on

You can’t recall how many times you’ve told him to put his socks in the hamper or wipe up the water from the bathroom vanity – but the days he remembers all on his own has you bursting with satisfied surprise. When he brings you the spoon you prefer with your macaroni instead of a fork, or leaves all the M&Ms in the trail mix because he knows they’re your favorite ingredient, or just puts the butter back in the fridge like you always do, you feel as though you’re in sync and that he’s paying attention.

10. When he compliments you in that very unique way

Everyone has an ugly day – the ones where your nose it too wide, your calves are too thick, or your hair is too flat. On those days especially, hearing the words “you’re beautiful” or “I love the way you look, all the time” lets you know that he sees past all your self-perceived flaws and loves you for who you are and not what you wish you were.

11. When he does the chores

Whether it’s folding your T-shirts or doing the dishes, you love when he does chores that he admittedly dislikes so you can get out of them. It shows that he values making your life easier over his. That’s a true sign of love right there.

12. When he’s honest with you

We all want to be told that our Pinterest-found-casserole is delicious and that our new lip gloss gives us Angelina Jolie lips. But when that’s not the case, he tells you in a kind, compassionate, loving way. It may be hard not to take the comments personally at first, but realizing he only has your best interests at heart means more than a fake smile at the first bite of your failed bacon-beef-jalapeno-ranch soufflé.

13. When he helps you pick out clothes

And not just bikinis and mini skirts. When he sits outside the dressing room while you model work khakis and button-ups, and tells you he prefers the blue shirt to the green, it not only makes your decision easier, but lets you know he’s paying attention and wants to help in even the most mundane, practical aspects of your life.

14. When he says your name

Nicknames are cute and fun, but when your actual name comes out of his mouth, it sounds different than when anyone else says it. It might just be the love talking, but you swear that it sounds sweeter and more beautiful, even when he’s just asking you what you want to eat at the drive-thru.

15. When he squeezes your hand

Holding hands is great, whether you prefer the waffle or pancake variety. What makes any hand holding a little more special is when he squeezes your hand to remind you he’s there – whether you’re driving in the car, taking a walk in the park, or in the waiting room at the dentist, that extra little squeeze makes you feel extra-secure and loved.

Love these romantic gestures? Here are even more ideas. (And a few more for good measure.) Featured photo credit: I Will Never If You Never/Christian Gonzalez via flickr.com

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