I’ll admit that everybody is different, so changes tend to come at different times. Some men are also affected differently as they get older because of genetics. A good example is male pattern baldness, as some men lose hair while others thin but do not lose it completely. After doing some research online about the major changes in men after the age of 50, I found 4 common occurrences that I’d like to talk about. Understanding them will allow you to be proactive so you can lessen the effect on your body, and mind.

1. Muscle Limitation

As you get older, especially passing the age of 50, you’ll have reduced muscle movement. Men are known to do a lot of heavy lifting, and tougher jobs, so muscles do become restricted over time. As men start to approach 50 years old, the muscle loses elasticity, which forces them to stiffen up. At the same time, you slow down in how much you use them because you no longer do the same kind of work you’re used to. Tone and mass may begin to lessen within the muscle, causing what’s known as arthritis. To reduce pain in the muscle, it’s important to keep doing the things you love and using the muscle groups regularly. Joining a gym and doing regular stretches will help too.

2. Water Shortage in Body

As you start to creep up near 50, you’ll lose a lot of water in your body. When your body is younger than 50, it consists of 61% water, however, this lowers to 54% once you pass the age of 50. Your body needs water to function, and it’s a natural way of cleansing your body, but with less water, it becomes harder for your body to cleanse itself. It’s important to always drink water and increase water intake when you turn 50 years old. If you are younger right now, I would get in the habit of drinking more water so you naturally drink more water. The daily recommendation is 3.7 liters.

3. Lower Testosterone

This has been up for debate because many researchers claim that when testosterone lowers with age it has to do with lifestyle changes like eating habits, illnesses, and obesity. However, free testosterone in your body also lowers after the age of 50 because more is needed for muscle repair and tissue damage, which happens with age. Since this free testosterone is being used somewhere else, you no longer have it around, decreasing it within your body. Therefore, men will experience lower libido, sex drive, etc. To combat lower testosterone with age, you should exercise to lower fat levels in your body. When you’re in better shape, you don’t have muscle damage because you’re active. This means the free testosterone in your body is not being used somewhere else. When you go to the gym, focus on exercises that increase your testosterone. like squats, bench presses, and back exercises. Work out the bigger muscle groups, and you’ll have to lift heavier at the same time so your body will release testosterone into your bloodstream for more power.

4. Mental Instability

When I say “instability,” I’m referring to depression, memory loss, or even anxiety. After 50 years old, you start to slow down, and changes begin to take over your body. These are usually considered “negative” changes, and this can have a mental impact on you. Men understand they no longer have the energy of a 19-year-old, and take this pretty harshly on themselves. The good news is that mental instability can be solved by viewing things differently and keeping busy. Age only slows you down when you let it, so stay active, join recreational groups, and always stay positive. It also helps to take time out daily to solve crossword puzzles or play games that require higher than normal brain power. This keeps the mind sharp and it’s a great way to keep busy too. Featured photo credit: bestmastersfitness.com via bestmastersfitness.com