Here’s five points of resistance that everyone experiences in pursuing dreams, and why you should push past each one and keep going.

1. You’ll Find That Despite Your Best Efforts, Things Won’t Always Work Out As Planned

As much as you try, things won’t always work out as planned. When you’re going after big dreams, you’re putting your all into it, but this doesn’t guarantee success. Take it one step at a time, and know that even if you don’t succeed in every task you pursue, there is always tomorrow to try again. Pursuing your dreams is all trial and error.

2. You’ll Have Days Where You Almost Want to Give Up

You’ll have days where you lose sight of why you’re in this and you’ll almost want to give up. You’ll see others around you living a normal and seemingly easy life. You’ll wonder whether pursuing your big dreams is really the best thing you could be doing. Stop right there! Take some time out and come back to why you started this in the first place. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day, but you started out on this path for a reason. Come back to that reason, remind yourself, align your focus, and you won’t want to give up.

3. You’ll Face the Critics Head On

When you put yourself out there in a big way, the critics will show up. Receiving criticism doesn’t mean that what you’re doing isn’t amazing. What it actually means is that you are pushing people’s buttons. You’re challenging them and making them uncomfortable — and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Big dreamers throughout history have faced criticism just like you are right now. As Taylor Swift says, it’s time to “Shake It Off!”

4. You’ll Feel Behind More Often Than Not

There are so many things to do in order to get where you want to be. Your To-Do List can feel endless some days. You’ll feel behind more often than not. Just remember you are only behind on your own schedule — that you set. You’re the master of your own domain, so when you feel behind don’t be too harsh on yourself. Remember: every step you take forward is progress.

5. You’ll Be the Outcast Amongst Your Friends

Pursuing your big dreams shouldn’t make you the outcast, but often it does. While you’re pursuing dreams, many of your friends will be working the 9-5 with all the perks and all the downsides too. You’ll find it increasingly difficult to relate to the friends you once grumbled about Monday mornings with. This can make you feel a little isolated. If you’re feeling like the outcast, remember that everyone follows their own path, and you chose yours — for a very good reason! Why not try making connections with others pursuing their big dreams? If you don’t know anyone in your area, check out Meetup and Facebook Groups to get connected.

Why You Should Keep Going, No Matter What

If you’ve faced some of these points of resistance, it can be easy to feel like giving up. But you 100% need to keep going. Every single person who has ever pursued anything worth doing has faced resistance in one or more of these forms. It’s normal. In fact, it’s almost a rite of passage. The resistance you’re facing now is what will make you a stronger person. It’s this strength that will make you the kind of person who succeeds in achieving their dreams. So next time you’re feeling like it’s all too much, remember that everyone faces resistance in pursuing dreams. Everyone pursuing their big dreams has days they feel like giving up. Everyone feels behind more often than not. Everyone faces the critics at one time or another. It’s okay to feel like this. Just remember to keep moving. Everyday you move forward, you get a little closer to your big dreams. That’s what it’s all about! Featured photo credit: Neourban Hipster Office Desktop by Markus Spiske via