These personal traits enable fortunate individuals to travel the world and soak up a wealth of experience. This, in turn, helps them to develop as people, as they learn how to become better communicators, achieve a better understanding of those around them and establish a keen sense of independence. These traits are also pivotal in any relationship, and tend to distinguish individuals as superior lovers. With this in mind, let’s look at exactly why travelers are more likely to maintain romantic affiliations.

1. They are self-assured and have discovered their purpose

Travel can often be described as a journey of self-discovery, especially for younger individuals who take to the road to develop a greater understanding of their future purpose in life. This breeds an innate sense of self-confidence and assurance, meaning that travelers have a greater appreciation of their self-worth and are less likely to develop feelings of insecurity during a relationship. As a result of their experiences and constant learning, travellers are also likely to be on a path of continual self-improvement as they grow older.

2. They are more grateful and appreciative

As travelers have enjoyed such unique and diverse experiences, they tend to be grateful for the life that they have lived and the people that they have encountered. Those who have ventured to developing countries will also have seen the true nature of hardship, meaning that they have a greater sense of perspective and appreciation, thanks to the opportunities that they have been afforded. Such an outlook tends to make travelers contented and more appreciative of their partners, which in turn creates a more stable and ultimately prosperous relationship.

3. They are more willing to settle down

The course of true love hardly ever runs smooth, although relationships can be complicated by conflicting needs and long-term aspirations. While one partner may be ready to settle down and commit to a serious adult relationship, for example, the other may be reluctant due to a lack of life experience or a sense of unfulfilled adolescence. Due to the intense and incredible experiences offered by life on the road, however, travelers are much more likely to feel fulfilled and therefore more open to a committed, settled relationship. This instantly makes them better and more reliable romantic partners.

4. They are flexible and open to change

Relationships are evolutionary and liable to change, both in terms of the status of individual partners and long-term goals. This requires a certain amount of flexibility and receptiveness to change, as this enables you to ‘go with the flow’ and place a positive slant on even difficult circumstances. Travelers have these attributes in abundance, as while they may plan extensively when traveling abroad or visiting remote corners of the world, they retain a sense of adaptability and are equipped to cope with unexpected events.

5. They are more optimistic

This willingness to be flexible also lends itself to a more optimistic outlook, as it enables individuals to embrace hardship and seek out an unexpected positive. Given the challenging nature of relationships and the negative feeling that can be triggered by arguments, insensitivity and even infidelity, the ability to remain positive and look towards a brighter future is absolutely critical to any long-term relationship. In this respect, travelers make the ideal partnership, as they will always focus on positive aspects of the relationship and use these as building blocks for the future.

6. They make for better listeners

Even though experienced travellers may be multi-lingual, when they first hit the road they may well have lacked this skill. This means that they will have spent a period of time honing their linguistic skills, while also working hard to understand alternative languages and listening intently to what others are saying. This is a habit that is easily carried on into later life, meaning that travellers are likely to be superior listeners who are capable of processing information and understanding the fundamental needs of their partners. The ability to listen can prevent distressing arguments, while also enabling couples to develop a deeper understanding of one another.

7. They are respectful of those around them

One of the great distinctions between travelers and tourists is that the former learn to be respectful of opposing cultures and values. This is a prerequisite for regular travel, as otherwise, individuals would run the risk of greatly offending locals or acting in a way that opposes their customs. As a result of this, travelers tend to be exceptionally respectful and sensitive to the feelings of those around them, enabling them to contribute positively to any romantic liaison. The importance of this cannot be ignored, especially as a lack of mutual respect can undermine any relationship.

8. They find it easier to learn

Traveling is one of the most immersive pastimes that you can enjoy as an adult, as it plunges you into a number of far-flung locations and exposes you to unique experiences. This inspires a hunger for knowledge and learning, which travelers can only satisfy through an inquisitive and ultimately passionate nature. Such fire and fervor makes travelers the ideal lovers, as they have no issues with committing fully to a relationship or learning continually about their partners. Relationships with those who have traveled are, therefore, more intense and fulfilling, while there may also be a greater sense of passion. Featured photo credit: SplitShire – Pixabay via